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Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); Religious Studies
Key Buddists Texts on line in English Translation
Da zang jing (Japanese version). English.
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies; American Literary Studies
Searchable database containing streaming video files of dance productions and documentaries by influential performers and companies of the 20th century. Selections cover ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, experimental, and improvisational dance, as well as forerunners of the forms and the pioneers of modern concert dance. Videos can be browsed by people, role, ensemble, genre, and venue. Material types include documentaries, editorials, instructional, interviews, and performances. Database users may create their own custom playlists and video clips.
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Social Sciences (General); Statistical and Numeric Data
A web-based tool that allows users to find and extract variables from selected datasets within the Stanford University Libraries' social science numeric data collection.
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This site is a single place to find a vast selection of EPA data sources, organized into these broad topics: Air, Climate Change, Health Risks, Pollutants and Contaminants, Waste, and Water. For each data source, you can see a basic overview, including the geographic scale and other contextual information, then access the data source itself which is stored in an easily downloadable format.
Data finder (United States. Environmental Protection Agency)
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African Studies; Education; General and Reference Works
Database of citations and abstracts of dissertations from African universities.
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Law; Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data
"The Database of conditions of work and employment laws contains comprehensive legal information from countries around the world. It covers legislation on maternity protection, minimum wages and working time. You can conduct customized research on a specific country of compare the legislation of several countries on a particular subject."
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British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
TEI-conformant editions of Jane Austen's works, searchable individually or as a group.
Austen, Jane, 1775-1817.
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Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Medieval Studies
The aim of the database is not only to integrate different types of Latin dictionaries, whether modern, medieval or early-modern, but also to build in links between these different tools. Where the dictionaries provide Latin terms and vernacular equivalents or explanations (whether in contemporary or historic forms of English, French or German), searches will be possible on both the Latin lemmata and the English, French or German lemmata. This database will provide an unsurpassed tool since all Latin word-forms that appear concretely in texts will have a link to entries in relevant dictionaries and from there the user can go and read the selected dictionary entry.
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A database of recordings offered on-demand through streaming. The basis for the collection is the diverse catalogue of New World Records, from folk to opera, Native American to jazz, 19th century classical to early rock, musical theater, contemporary, electronic and beyond. DRAM is expanding its contents to include other major and independent record labels and archival sources. Complete liner notes, scholarly essays, bibliographies and discographies are available for viewing.
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Government Information: International and Foreign; Statistical and Numeric Data; French and Italian Studies; Law
The Government of France's Open Data platform. Access over 350,000 datasets from over 90 producers, on topics such as agriculture, climate, culture, defense, demographics, education, environment, government finance, transit, and urban development. Datasets are available in a variety of formats, primarily .csv and .xls. Time periods vary depending on the data. Note: website is in French; Chrome browser translates the site fairly well.
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Statistical and Numeric Data; Government Information: United States; American History; Geography; Economics and Business; Political Science
The purpose of Data.gov is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the United States federal government. Data.gov includes a searchable data catalog that includes access to data in two ways: through the "raw" data catalog and using tools. Please note that by accessing datasets or tools offered on Data.gov, you agree to the Data Policy, which you should read before accessing any dataset or tool.
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www.izi-datenbank.de + 1 more source
Film and Media Studies; Education; Communication and Journalism
Database on children's television, youth television andeducational television in the German-speaking context. Contains more than 20,000 international references and links to full-text documents and online information.
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East Asia Studies; News
Full text database including over 570 Korean scholarly journals. The journal titles are arranged by 11 subject categories such as economics, engineering, education, medicine, etc. and all journals are available from the first issue.
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American History; Communication and Journalism; Government Information: United States; General and Reference Works
The database ranges from the years immediately following World War II, when declassified documents were first made widely available, through the 1970s. Nearly every major foreign and domestic event of these years is covered: the Cold War, Vietnam, foreign policy shifts, the civil rights movement, and others.
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American History; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
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Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Index opens the power of patent searching to all levels of an organisation. It offers an unrivalled breadth of coverage by combining value-added patent records from Derwent World Patents Index with patent citation information from Patents Citation Index. This unique merged data set, comprising 14.3 million inventions from 41 worldwide patent-issuing authorities, is accessed through an intuitive web interface. You can browse easily between patent records without using a complicated search language, and explore related ideas using citation links.
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Engineering; Art, Architecture and Design
International index to over 130,000 annotated references from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards, and data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops and firms. DAAI also includes two supplementary databases: Education Directory, an international directory of universities and colleges that offer courses in design and craft subjects and the Periodical Directory, an international directory of design and craft journals. Research articles are covered, along with topical news items, conference and seminar reports, and book, video and exhibition reviews. Major areas of coverage include: Product design, Interior design, Graphic design, Ceramics, Glass, Jewellery, Textiles, Furniture, Fashion and clothing, Illustration, Typography and type design, Metalsmithing, Retail design, Architecture, Industrial design, Sustainability, Advertising, Packaging, Theatre, Vehicles, Exhibitions, Book design, Web design, Computer aided design, Computer graphics, Animation, Garden design, Landscape architecture, Urban design, Education, Design management, Inclusive design, Universal design, Design history.
Design and applied arts index (Online)
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Economics and Business; Government Information: United States
Indexes over 119,000 USAID technical reports and program documents on international development dating from 1946. Makes the full text of 19,000 available for download.

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